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Friday, August 17, 2018

Benefits of yoga | health benefits of yoga| importance of yoga.

Benefits of yoga | health benefits of yoga| importance of yoga : yoga will help to improve flexibility,strength  and consantration give you more stamina. Yoga can help you feel positive and focus on your goals through visualization and breathing techniques and better concentration.

Benefits of yoga.1

Fitness benefits of yoga.

1.Improved in Flexibility.

Being more flexible means you have a reduced risk of injury,as your body will also feel less restricted during cardiovascular exercise.
flexibility can be developed through holding postures and positions with musclel lengthened, say's Mark Hatfield, fitness academy trainer.
The effect will different for everyone but you should start to feel improvement after a few sessions. The all important elements of consistency is key and aiming for that "twice a week" minimum rule. PersnPer trainer Wesley petrie add strecthing during yoga flows and hold wil increase in your muscles fibers, while the lenghening of muscle will also improve your  "stretch reflex" the feeling that tells you if it is safe to go further and deeper into a stretch.

2.Greater strength.

Yoga strength

When we talk about improving strength,we often think about lifting weights, yet yoga is also effective for becoming stronger. You need good strength to hold many of the poses as you're using your own body weight for resistance and putting your body in position where your body in position where your muscles have to work hard to support you.
Try doing 20 bodyweight press-up instead of 20 reps on the seated chest press and you'll get pictures. You also need to recruit your core to help you hold poses such as downward dog, the plank and warrior and tringle poses.

3. More stamina.

More stamina

It's now agreed that yoga can help improve stamina and cardiovascular fitness, especially if you choose the more dynamic forms of the discipline. According to the America college of sports  medicine , improvements in cardiovascular fitness are achieved through moderate per week for 20 to 60 minutes say's Hatfield. If you're yoga class is making breath heavier, breakout in a light sweat and would challenging you to hold comfortable , you should see improvements in CV fitness.
"You need good strength to hold many of the poses as you're using your body weight for resistance".

4. Avoid Injury.

If you're Flexibility is good,your less likely to be injured during exercise or sports. A lot of injuries occurs when we ask our body to move into a position it hasn't been to before. The joint may not have the mobility or stability to get to the new position , potentially resulting in injury. Choosing yoga over other types of strength work can also reduce injury risk.

5. Improve concentration.

Improve concentration

Many athletes use the meditative aspects of yoga to help them gain the competition edge over their oppenents people in sports are under pressure to perform at their best at all times,says yoga instructor Sarah Shimwell. This creats much internal stress anxiety which can detrimental to their performance. If they can reduce  this stress and anxiety through yoga,an athlete can free their mind to focus solely on their performance.

6. Recovery Faster.

Yoga can help your body recover from a training session ,as the moves can flush out toxins. Such as lactic acid, which build up in the body during strenuous exercise. A study published in the journal of strength and conditioning research of November 2017 revealed that single bout of yoga appeard to reduce muscles soreness.

I hope this article is helpful for you.

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